Update Career Pathway Placement

Individuals who would like to update their placement on Pennsylvania’s Early Childhood Education (ECE) Career Pathway should follow the directions below. This process is for those who complete a degree program, earn a certificate, or successfully complete sufficient coursework to receive higher Career Pathway level. Individuals do not need to request an update of their Career Pathway placement for individual course completion.

To request an updated Career Pathway placement:


Fill out SECTION A: Re-submit (or Update) for Career Pathway of the Career Pathway Placement Review form and email the completed form with the Subject: Career Pathway Placement Form to donwen@pakeys.org.


Once notified by email that your PD Registry profile is unlocked, upload your new documentation and complete your profile. (If needed, PD Registry resources and support are available at pakeys.org/pdregistry.)

NOTE: Documents will be reviewed and completed within ninety (90) days of a completed submission. All incomplete forms will be emailed back to the sender and will need to be resubmitted. The date of the resubmission will be used to begin the process time frame.

When the new documents are reviewed, you will be emailed your Career Pathway placement.