Group Child Care Home Providers

What’s New

Information for New Group Child Care Home Providers


  • ALL OUR KIN: Nationally recognized nonprofit organization that trains, supports and sustains family child care providers. Articles, professional development, Blog, Resources for families, home based providers and communities.
  • AMERICAN ACADEMY OF PEDIATRICS: Health and Safety tips, latest research and updates, journals and publications, articles, podcast, information for parents, professional development, and materials.
  • BETTER KID CARE – PENN STATE EXTENSION: Provides evidence-informed professional development to early care and education and youth development professionals to improve the quality of their care and educational practices. Online training is available for child care professionals with more than 300 relevant modules.
  • BUILD INITIATIVE: Helps states build systems to support Early Childhood Development throughout the nation, such as  Keystone STARS QRIS in Pennsylvania. Webinars and events, blogs, resources, articles, and annual conference.
  • CDA COUNCIL: CDA Scholarships, articles, CDA Applications and credentialing process, renewal information and amnesty information/updates on- Webinars and Tutorials and downloadable forms.
  • CHILD AND ADULT CARE FOOD PROGRAM: The CACFP provides reimbursement for meals served to enrolled participants in non-residential child or adult care facilities. The primary intent of the program is to improve the diets of children and adults and to develop healthful eating habits through the service of nutritious meals and the provision of nutrition education activities.
  • CHILD CARE AWARE OF AMERICA: Leads projects that increase the quality and availability of child care, conducts research and advocates child care policies.
    • Latest reports and research, free webinars for parents and providers, checklists, blog, resources covering many topics related to child care.
    • Sign up for emails of updates, tips, stories, and information.
  • EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION LINKAGE SYSTEM (ECELS): Provides professional development and technical assistance about health and safety in child care.
    • Professional Development, tools, free materials, and resources available that will help providers meet Keystone STARS Standards and DHS Regulations.
    • Sign up for ECELS Email alerts.
  • EARLY CHILDHOOD EXCHANGE: Exchange magazine, articles on demand, books, videos, Exchange reflections and essentials, training kits and resources. Offers many free webinars.
    • Subscribe to free daily E-Newsletter Exchange Every Day email of quotes and brief article or update.
  • FIRST FIVE YEARS FUND: Mission is to ensure all children from birth through age 5 have equal access to affordable, comprehensive, high-quality care and education.
    • FFYF works with advocacy groups and policymakers on both sides of the aisle to identify federal solutions that work for children, families, and taxpayers as well as states and communities.
    • Continued updates and resources, articles and featured posts that keep you current on national ECE information.
  • HOMEGROWN: A national collaborative of funders committed to improving the quality of and access to home-based child care.
    • Articles, research – best practices, funding information, surveys, a variety of resources, publications, blogs, webinars, and events all focused on home-based care.
    • Sign up for newsletter.
  • MCCORMICK CENTER For Early Childhood Leadership: The McCormick Center has a played a critical role in increasing access to Professional development and credentials for early childhood leaders for many years. Strong early childhood leadership positively impacts outcomes for children and families.
    • Services offered: Leadership academies, national director credential, program evaluation, technical assistance, PD systems, quality assessment and quality rating and improvement systems.
    • Articles, research, and resources. Information and PD on BAS for home-based child care.
    • Sign up for emails and updates.
  • NATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR THE EDUCATION OF YOUNG CHILDREN (NAEYC): Membership information, books, articles, professional development, topics, blog, annual conference, Young Children magazine, connect with peers, become an accredited program, interest forums and online communities.
  • NATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR FAMILY CHILD CARE: Membership, webinars, accreditation self-study, articles, and annual conference
  • NATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR EARLY EDUCATION RESEARCH (NIEER) (Rutgers Graduate School of Education): Conducts academic research to inform policy supporting high-quality, early education for all young children.
  • NATIONAL INSTITUTE ON OUT-OF-SCHOOL TIME (NOIST): NIOST has been a leader in defining, shaping, and promoting out-of-school time (OST) as a distinct professional field with evidence-based quality standards. They bridge the worlds of research and practice to provide OST directors, staff, planners, school administrators, community leaders, and others with research, training, evaluation, and consultation to enhance and improve the quality of programs for all children and youth.
    • Email list sign up available
  • PENNSYLVANIA ASSOCIATION FOR THE EDUCATION OF YOUNG CHILDREN (PENNAYCE): Pennsylvania affiliate of the National Association for the Education of Young Children
  • PENNSYLVANIA CHILD CARE ASSOCIATION (PACCA): A statewide non-profit organization that is a strong and effective advocate for high-quality early care and education programs and to give leadership and support to those organizations that assist the Early Childhood Education community, families, and children in Pennsylvania.
    • Administers the T.E.A.C.H. Early Childhood Pennsylvania Scholarship Program.
    • Oversees the PA Early Childhood Education Summit annually
    • Articles, updates, webinars, and discussion groups offered. (Currently offered a Feb. Discussion series for home-based providers.)
    • Supports PA for Pre-K and Start Strong PA
    • Sign up to receive up to date news and events regarding PACCA
  • PENNSYLVANIA PARTNERSHIPS FOR CHILDREN: Statewide, independent, non-partisan and non-profit with a mission to improve the health, education and well-being of children and youth in PA.
  • PENNSYLVANIA STATEWIDE AFTERSCHOOL YOUTH DEVELOPMENT NETWORK (PSAYDN): Pennsylvania is one of 50 statewide afterschool networks funded by the Charles Stewart Mott Foundation. Since its inception in 2004, PSAYDN has played a unique role in bridging the capacity needs and programming perspectives that exist within the out-of-school time (OST) sector.
    • Resources and advocacy information
  • REDLEAF PRESS: Focus on Family Child Care featuring Tom Copeland, books and webinars on activities, behavior and guidance, business resources, child development, curriculum, PD, Provider support/encouragement, tax time, training and working with families.
  • ZERO TO THREE: Mission is to ensure all babies and toddlers have a strong start in life.
    • Articles with a large variety of topics, professional development, books, and materials.