The Pennsylvania Key is implementing an exciting quality improvement program with your ELRC called “After-School Quality: The Process of Program Improvement”. Developed by the National Institute on Out-of-School Time, After-School Quality is designed to assist afterschool programs in implementing a continuous quality improvement process using a team approach.
The process will involve staff and other stakeholders in recognizing opportunities for program growth and navigating improvement plans. “Team” is the cornerstone of After-School Quality. Successful implementation will be led by a team, supported by a team, and celebrated by a team. Technical assistance for your program throughout the process is available through your ELRC.
Professional development for school-age practitioners is primarily delivered through regionally based school-age specialists. For information about professional development available in your area, visit the PD Registry or Early Learning Resource Center (visit and search by county or zip code).
The sessions listed to the left are statewide modules that have been developed to support school-age practitioners meet specific professional development requirements in Keystone STARS.
Betsy O. Saatman