The PD Registry

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What is Pennsylvania's Professional Development (PD) Registry?

The PD Registry is a technology system that functions as a workforce registry. A workforce registry increases the number of high quality early childhood education (ECE) programs by helping to develop and track a knowledgeable and skilled early childhood workforce. A registry tracks an individual’s professional achievements and provides important data about the early childhood workforce to help raise the status and compensation for early childhood education.

Since 2020, the PD Registry is Partnership Eligibility Review (PER) approved by the National Workforce Registry Alliance (the Alliance). PER is a data collection process and once accepted, states’ data is included in the Alliance’s National Dataset, and also in partnership opportunities with the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC), the National Association of Family Childcare (NAFCC), the National Accreditation Council (NAC) and the Council for Professional Recognition (the CDA Council). Learn more at

Features in the PD Registry

Career Pathway

Pennsylvania’s Early Childhood Education (ECE) Career Pathway seeks to simplify and guide the profession towards meeting the minimal qualifications and competencies needed for each role an educator or professional may have. Visit the Career Pathway page. >

In the PD Registry, you can:

Child Development Associate (CDA)

The Child Development Associate (CDA) Credential is based on a core set of competency standards, which guide ECE professionals as they work toward becoming qualified teachers of young children and is the most widely recognized credential in early childhood education (ECE). Visit the CDA page. >

In the PD Registry, you can:

Director Credential

The Director Credential is designed as a standard to measure and validate the abilities and competencies of directors and administrators to manage quality programs across the Commonwealth. Visit the Director Credential page. >

In the PD Registry, you can:

  • Apply for Pennsylvania’s Director Credential. Learn how. >

Keystone STARS

Keystone STARS is Pennsylvania’s Quality Rating and Improvement System (QRIS). A QRIS is a continuous quality improvement systemic approach to assess, improve, and communicate the level of quality programs. Visit the Keystone STARS page. >

In the PD Registry, you can:

Pennsylvania Quality Assurance System (PQAS)

PQAS is a system used to approve individuals and organizations capable of meeting quality standards who provide professional development and technical assistance to early childhood and school-age professionals in Pennsylvania. Visit the PQAS page. >

In the PD Registry, you can:

Professional Development & Training

Find in-person, online and hybrid sessions.

In the PD Registry, you can:

  • Find and register for professional development. Learn how. >
  • Find your professional development history. Learn how. >
  • Access Training Organization Directory and contact PQAS-approved organizations to schedule PD events. Learn how. >

Rising STARS Tuition Assistance (RSTA)

The RSTA program pays 95% of tuition costs and fees for eligible college coursework taken by early childhood educators or professionals. Visit the Rising STARS Tuition Assistance page. >

In the PD Registry, you can:

Self-Assessment & PD Plan

Educators and professionals can identify the next steps in their career using the Self-Assessment and the PD Plan templates in the PD Registry.

In the PD Registry, you can:

Staff Management

In the PD Registry, you can:

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The PD Registry
