
Pennsylvania’s Enterprise to Link Information for Children Across Networks (PELICAN) is the Departments of Human Services and Education’s initiative to combine the state’s early learning programs under a single management information system. All early learning services information is managed in PELICAN.

PELICAN offers a single integrated information system that automates and supports all of Pennsylvania’s early learning and education programs.

Getting started in the PELICAN/Early Learning Network (ELN) for PA Pre-K Counts, Head Start and STARS providers

Set up a PELICAN User Account – User access can be requested and updated through Provider Self-Service (PSS).

Additional Benefits to using PSS:

  • Update your program information at the PELICAN Provider Self-Service website to maximize your profile for public viewing on findchildcare.pa.gov.
  • If your information is inaccurate, potential families may not contact you.
  • If your information is missing, especially the ages of children you serve, your program may not appear in advanced searches like the county search.

Note: Once you update your program information, it will appear on the public site the following day.

System Requirements

Make sure your computer meets basic system requirements – You will need a computer with internet access in order to enter child data in ELN.  While high speed internet access is preferred, it is not required. You do not need to purchase special computer software programs. Check the system requirements for the online authentic assessment tool you are using to collect child outcome data. If a computer with internet access is not available at your program, try to identify other local resources including: public libraries, school district buildings, etc.

Keystone STARS Provider Self Service (PSS) User Guides

Additional Resources for New Providers

For additional resources, please see the PELICAN Resources page.




Hours of operation are 8:30 am to 5:00 pm, Monday through Friday.