No Cost Social-Emotional Professional Development Opportunities Now Available

No-cost professional development online courses from the Pyramid Model Consortium are now available for a limited time for Pennsylvania professionals and partners! Participants can earn PQAS and ACT 48 hours per completed course, and learn how to enhance social-emotional development in young children, without ever leaving the classroom. The courses are evidence-based and promote nurturing relationships between staff and children. Each of course is on-demand so you can learn at your own pace.

These courses are ideal to onboard new early childhood staff, especially staff who have little or no previous early childhood experience, and staff who need to meet the requirement for Child Development Training in the Keystone STARS Performance Standards.

  1. #357588 ePyramid Birth to 5 Course (365-day access)
    The Birth-to-5 course provides evidence-based instruction on how to: Create Nurturing and Responsive Relationships, Provide High Quality Supportive Environments, Implement Targeted Social Emotional Supports and Practice Intensive Interventions. 
  2. #364385 Del nacimiento a los 5 años – Paquete de Módulos ePirámide (Español) 
    El curso desde el nacimiento hasta los 5 años proporciona instrucción basada en evidencia sobre cómo: Crear relaciones enriquecedoras y receptivas, Proporcionar entornos de apoyo de alta calidad, Implementar apoyos socioemocionales específicos y Practicar intervenciones intensivas.
  3. #357586 ePyramid-Trauma-Informed Care & the Pyramid Model (180-day access)
    The Trauma-Informed Care & the Pyramid Model on-line lessons are what you need to ensure teachers understand the impact of trauma on young children and their families. Adding a Trauma-Informed Care lens to your existing Pyramid practices will help implement practices that promote children’s social emotional development, healing and resilience. This includes creating nurturing and responsive relationships with children and families as well as creating safe learning environments.
  4. #357587 ePyramid-Wellness: Taking Care of Yourself (90-day access)
    This is the one tool you need to help providers understand the link between their own well-being and children’s behavior. Use these lessons to take steps towards improving staff wellness in your program, leading to higher quality care for children. Taking steps to care for yourself will not only improve how you feel but will ultimately positively impact all the children and families you support for years to come. This course will provide ideas and examples of self-care practices to help you create or enhance your own wellness plan.
  5. #357585 ePyramid-Culturally Responsive Practices to Reduce Implicit Bias, Disproportionality, Suspension & Expulsion (90-day access)
    This module focuses on the importance of culturally responsive practices in enhancing outcomes for all children, especially those from diverse backgrounds. The role of implicit bias will be discussed. Participants will be offered a variety of activities for implementing the seven principles of culturally responsive practices that help us recognize and identify implicit bias. Additionally, participants will be offered ideas for how to use the values of the family and community to inform teaching and learning through the lens of the Pyramid Model.
  6. #357589 ePyramid Prevent-Teach-Reinforce for Families (365-day access)
    This ePyramid course explores the Prevent Teach Reinforce progress for families. In this course, paired with the PTR-F manual, you’ll discover how to take on the role of PTR-F facilitator to meet each family’s unique needs, and you’ll get a clear 5-step process for guiding families as they promote their child’s positive behavior. With this comprehensive, adaptable model of behavior support, you’ll strengthen family engagement, set each child on the path to healthy social-emotional development, and improve quality of life for the entire family.

Search for each course on the PD Registry. The areas of interest drop down box as ePyramid as a search option makes it easy for you to locate these free online courses. All courses are now in English but coming soon, B-5 modules will be available in Spanish.

This resource is funded in part under grant number 90TP0096-01-00 from the Administration for Children and Families (ACF), U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). The views, policies, and opinions expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of ACF or HHS.

Learn more about the Pyramid Model Consortium: A new way to Learn for a Higher Standard of Teaching – Pyramid Model.