Curriculum &
Child Assessments

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The Office of Child Development and Early Learning (OCDEL) reviews curriculum, for infant toddler and prekindergarten programs, to verify alignment to the Learning Standards for Early Childhood.  NOTE: OCDEL does not recommend the use of any specific curriculum.

Visit OCDEL Approved Curriculum Listing for the most up-to-date information.

Important information for programs using a homegrown curriculum:

Programs using a homegrown curriculum need to submit an alignment to the 2014 Learning Standards for Early Childhood based on the ages served (Infant/Toddler, Pre-Kindergarten or both). Infant/Toddler (Fillable PDF) and Pre-Kindergarten (Fillable PDF) templates are available for this purpose. Each template contains the Standard Areas, Standards and Concepts and Competencies written out by domain on the left side of the template. Programs need to supply evidence of alignment in the right hand column of the document. A curriculum is considered meeting the alignment threshold when 75% of the domain (s) is aligned to the standards. Submissions can be for comprehensive coverage of all key learning areas or focus on a single domain.

Assessing children's progress in early childhood programs.

Assessment is a critical piece in high-quality standards-aligned programs. Parents, teachers and caregivers are the most qualified to assess young children because they observe children in authentic environments, and are most familiar with each child’s development and learning expectations. Teachers observe children through all activities in a day that yield the necessary information to determine skill levels. They collect information through many different sources of evidence, such as regular family engagement, observations throughout a child’s daily routines, collection of children’s artwork or writing samples, and by talking with the child or the other adults about the child’s accomplishments. This information is used to make good decisions about how to support children’s learning and development.

Child outcome data should not be used to determine placement in a program, class or special education, or to deny or exclude access to eligible services.

Resources on Assessments & Best Practices

Early Childhood Assessment for Children from Birth to Age 8 (Grade 3)

Maryanne Olley