Created in 2007 by the Pennsylvania Office of Child Development and Early Learning (OCDEL), The Pennsylvania Key implements the work and supports the policies developed and managed by OCDEL. Learn More. >
The Commonwealth has transitioned to a new vendor for digital fingerprinting. The new vendor, IDEMIA, is now accepting registrations and completing Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) fingerprinting for Pennsylvania agencies. Get more info.Read More
The Pennsylvania Key welcomes Marnie Aylesworth as the new director. Marnie has worked in the field of early childhood education for over 25 years. She holds a Master’s degree in early childhood education and is in the final stages of her dissertation for her Ed.D in Curriculum and Instruction (ABD). Her current research is focused...Read More
Early childhood professionals, your voices have been heard! In response to feedback and to meet the growing needs of Pennsylvania’s early learning workforce, the Pennsylvania Office of Child Development and Early Learning (OCDEL) announces the PD Registry will undergo a redesign in the coming months. The new registry will be live early 2018. Upcoming releases...Read More
Pennsylvania will have a partial solar eclipse on Monday, August 21, 2017. To prevent direct viewing that can damage the eyes, keep children and staff in early care and education programs inside between noon and 4:30 pm. Even with the specific, approved solar viewing glasses and close supervision it is too difficult to be sure...Read More
Share your feedback on the Pennsylvania Draft ESSA Consolidated State Plan. This draft plan was informed by the ideas, input, and feedback shared by stakeholders from every corner of the commonwealth, including parents and families, students, educators, legislators, advocacy groups and community members. The Department’s stakeholder engagement process also relied on feedback provided through the...Read More