State-Level Brief Update, A Call to Action: Participation of Young Children Experiencing Homelessness and Young Children in Foster Care in Early Childhood Programs in Pennsylvania

The State-Level Brief Update highlights key state-level housing, education, and early childhood sector data regarding young children experiencing homelessness and it expands earlier efforts by including data related to young children in foster care. This brief continues and broadens the discussions of earlier State Level Brief documents, and it includes in the Appendix more extensive information such as trend data and links to obtain local data.

The brief provides templates that can be used by communities to guide data gathering and planning at the local level and concludes by posing questions to consider as efforts are made, and action is taken to ensure equitable participation of the priority populations of young children experiencing homelessness and young children in foster care in quality early childhood programs.

This is jointly released by the Pennsylvania Head Start State Collaboration Office (PA HSSCO) and Hope PHL.