Every three years, states update information regarding the prices child care providers charge families. This is known as a Market Rate Survey (MRS). The last official MRS was conducted in 2016. The Office of Child Development and Early Learning (OCDEL) invites all Pennsylvania certified child care providers to participate in the 2019 Market Rate Survey. Share your information to update private pay prices.
The easiest way to share this information is to insure your prices are correct in the online Provider Self-Service Portal.
Updated information from child care providers will provide more accurate information to determine child care prices in Pennsylvania and will provide OCDEL with important data to compare private pay prices with the Child Care Works reimbursements known as base rates.
Your Information is Important!
Click here to log into Provider Self Service and update your information! Your updated information will ensure OCDEL has a good understanding of child care prices across each Early Learning Resource Center Region (ELRC).
The survey is available Monday, Oct. 7, 2019, through Dec. 30, 2019 within PELICAN Provider Self-Service. (Providers need a User Name and Password to enter.) Your Early Learning Resource Center can help you enroll in Provider Self-Service or update your child care prices if you do not have access to Provider Self-Service.
Information from all providers is important, even if you have not changed your private pay prices. In order to have your information included in the MRS, please update the “effective date” within Provider Self-Service. Any changes to prices or updates to “effective date” within the October 7, 2019 through December 30, 2019 time frame will be included.
Because the MRS is an important activity, reminders will be distributed every so often to encourage providers to participate. Reminders will be shared by the ELRC, through OCDEL listservs, and will be a feature in the program guide at the Early Childhood Education Summit.
Thank you in advance for your participation!
Tracey Campanini, OCDEL Deputy Secretary