Challenging Behaviors in Children

Spanking a child may increase aggression in a child, and may actually do long term harm to a child, says a new study by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP).
The AAP recently released an updated policy statement about the harmful effects spanking can have on children. The use of spanking is also ineffective in teaching a child responsibility and self-control. New evidence shows that it may actually cause harm by impacting a child’s normal brain development.
Early learning professionals have a significant role in helping families address challenging behaviors with young children. They can model appropriate ways to address challenging behaviors, provide guidance on how families can guide their child to productive behaviors, and even provide resources when additional assistance is needed.
PA’s Promise for Children has resources for families to address challenging behaviors in young children.
Visit the Early Childhood Mental Health page on the PA Key website for information and resources on how professionals can address challenging behaviors within their classrooms.