Created in 2007 by the Pennsylvania Office of Child Development and Early Learning (OCDEL), The Pennsylvania Key implements the work and supports the policies developed and managed by OCDEL. Learn More. >
When the Pennsylvania Family Support and Home Visiting Conference couldn’t be held face-to-face in March 2020, it was decided to provide as many of the presentations as possible through online webinars. The resulting webinar series includes 11 of the most requested sessions at the original conference, like: Using the Ages and Stages Questionnaires Families in Recovery...Read More
The Pennsylvania Child Care Association (PACCA) is currently accepting scholarship applications for the Fall 2020 semester. Even if your program is temporarily closed due to COVID-19, you and/or your staff can still submit an application to T.E.A.C.H. PACCA will issue Fall scholarship awards after July 1, 2020, when the new fiscal year begins. As always scholarship awards...Read More
The Early Childhood Education Summit organizers take great pride in providing Pennsylvania’s early childhood educators with high-quality professional development, along with unparalleled networking opportunities each fall. Due to the challenges and uncertainties of COVID-19, the 2020 ECE Summit will go virtual. The ECE Summit will still offer certificates of attendance, PQAS hours, and Act 48...Read More